The Lexington Press

Featured Books

Character in Search of a Sitcom Character in Search of a Sitcom

by Leslie Rosenberg

This is a book of musings by a woman who survived a car crash, coma, paralysis — near death experiences, and emerged wiser, yet cheerful and optimistic. Throughout her long recovery period she maintained a positive outlook on life — truly believing that ‘if life gives you lemons, you can always eat chocolate'. After finishing high school and college, her later work with several non-profit agencies in and around Boston, only helped strengthen her insight into those she calls the “Differently-Abled” — a term in fact, that can be applied to us all. This knowledge- this understanding, are reflected in the poetry, prose, and short story, found in her book- whose proceeds go entirely to Local and National Non-profit Agencies and New Orleans rebuilding organizations!

Email Leslie Rosenberg for more info

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Character in Search of a Sitcom by Leslie Rosenberg

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